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Palpatine Reveals The Apprentice He Took AFTER Darth Vader Died
Star Wars REVEALS Palpatine's Apprentice AFTER Darth Vader Died - Star Wars Explained
Emperor explains how he survived
There is literally ANOTHER SITH just off-screen here
Luke talks about Darth Sidious
Why Palpatine Took a SECRET 4th Apprentice After Darth Maul & Before Dooku
Palpatine Told Darth Vader To Chill TF Out - Star Wars #Shorts
What if OBI WAN left the JEDI ORDER for SATINE?
Anakin Becomes Palpatine's Apprentice Scene | Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (2005) Movie Clip HD 4K
How Did Anakin PLAN To Secretly Kill Darth Sidious?
The ONLY Time Darth Sidious Showed Weakness - Star Wars #Shorts
Obi-Wan's Thoughts When Darth Vader Was Redeemed & Killed Palpatine - Star Wars Explained